What is a typical treatment like?
An Amatsu Therapy treatment, referred to as a ‘balance’, normally takes between 30 and 45 minutes. Treatments are carried out fully clothed.
On your first visit a detailed personal history is taken. We listen and give time to freely talk about your problem. You will be asked prior to the treatment to fill out a detailed consent form, and a comprehensive case study history will be taken.
Then you will be asked to remove your shoes and lie on the plinth. We will proceed to carry out a series of kinaesthetic and orthopedic tests to form a picture of what your body is specifically saying to be the issue. A thorough analysis of all relevant factors allows us then to construct a treatment plan - to bring you from where you are and move towards your solution.
The treatment is very gentle but specific in its treatment. Every treatment or what we call a balance is specifically tailored to your needs on the day you present for treatment. We assess, treat and reassess again.
Every Amatsu session will treat and address all areas your of your foot, knee, hip, pelvis, sacrum, spine, visceral, 12th rib, 1st rib, occipital, Tmj, cranial, inter oral, shoulder, wrist. Amatsu use ancient wisdom with modern techniques to treat the body as a whole.
The number of treatments required will always depend on your individual problems. Emphasis is placed on educating clients to take control of their own health.
My objective is to teach you to listen to and read the signs your body sends you. It is well known that ‘prevention is better than cure’