David McCarthy
I come from a family of Amatsu Orthopaths; my mother and two brothers also work in Amatsu clinics in Dublin.
I am very passionate about Amatsu and firmly believe in the importance of continuous education for professional development.
I have been trained for over 20 years by Dennis Bartram, benefitting greatly from his teaching practices and clinical treatments. I first met Dennis when I was 19 years old on a cranial course in Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
I have also trained extensively with Jean-Pierre Barral, participating in many of his courses. I have also attended multiple body dissections at the University of Dundee, Scotland.
I have trained in Bujinkan martial arts and have travelled to the Bujinkan Dojo in Japan many times, to train with Masaaki Hatsumi and his Shihan’s. Hatsumi worked as a Seikotsu therapist (整骨院) bonesetter and is the connection to the heritage, linage, movement and feel of Amatsu.
I am the owner of The Amatsu Clinic, and am a physiotherapist and an Amatsu Orthopath (Seikotsu – Highest Level). I teach all levels of Amatsu, I have a Higher Diploma in Orthopaedic & Soft Tissue Sports Therapy, and am a sports therapist, massage therapist and personal trainer.
I hold further qualifications in visceral manipulation, neural manipulation Leisure Centre Management, Fitness Instructing, Personal Training, Exercise and Fitness Coaching, Massage & Sports Massage, Sports Nutrition, Reiki & Train the Trainer. I have also taken many additional courses and workshops throughout the years, such as NLP under the guidance of Richard Bandler, T.B.M. (Total body modification) with Dr Victor Frank, British Fascia Symposium, Feldenkrais, body movement, orthopaedic testing, inter-oral cranial, paediatric and occupational first aid, gait analysis, neuro-developmental, spinal and cranial nerve techniques, advanced massage techniques, trigger point therapy, muscle energy techniques and fitness for golf.
Alan McCarthy
I am a qualified Amatsu Practitioner and have been practising since 2015 at The Amatsu Orthopath Clinic in Sandyford, Dublin 18.
I was immersed in Amatsu from an early age as my brothers, David and Donal, and mother, Geraldine, are all fully qualified and practising Amatsu Practitioners. I was always fascinated at how Amatsu works and how it tackles the root cause of a problem, rather than just alleviating the symptoms.
I am passionate about understanding the role of movement on the health and well being of my clients. My aim in treatment is to improve and maintain the efficiency of movement as a means for enhancing wellness. I feel that this is achieved through a combination of re-balancing of the body and good nutrition.
I am fully qualified in the following Amatsu levels: Anma, Seitei, Shinden Jutsu and Kenku. I also undertake CPD courses to further my skills both in Ireland and the UK under Dennis Bartram.
I am a fully registered member of the Register Orthopaedic manual and soft tissue therapy of Ireland (ROSTI) and the Amatsu Therapy Association (ATA).
Breda Walsh
AMATSU Orthopath
I’m an Amatsu Orthopath who trained over the course of five years with the Daghda Synergy Amatsu Academy in Ireland. I’ve also been a client of The Amatsu Clinic, since 2006, attending David McCarthy on a regular basis.
At 18 I hurt my lower back and the following two decades suffered “putting my back out” on average twice a year. Incapacitated for anything up to a week when this happened it had a debilitating effect on my life and my work. An overwhelming feeling helplessness was my biggest challenge and I eventually decided to do anything to change the way things were. Amatsu provided the opportunity for me to take matters into my own hands. I followed the instructions given by my Amatsu practitioner and over the course of a few years cleaned up my diet, began to move more and introduced a "rain or shine" daily walking routine. I became increasingly aware of the workings of my body and the importance of remaining in correct postural alignment assisted by regular Amatsu treatments. As a result my life was turned around and dull headaches, candida, sluggish digestion, heart-burn, skin allergies and endless fatigue became a thing of the past.
In 2013 I made the decision to train in Amatsu and in January 2019, having completed my Amatsu studies, I took a sabbatical from a successful 25 year career in film production and started seeing clients as an Amatsu practitioner. This then led me to the decision to leave the film business permanently in order to focus solely on Amatsu.
In 2019 I also completed a training in Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue Therapy (Higher Diploma) and in keeping with my philosophy that food is medicine, I qualified in Raw Food Mastery at the Plant Based Academy in Dublin.
I am a fully registered member of the Amatsu Therapy Association (A.T.A.) and R.O.S.T.I. (Register of Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue Therapists of Ireland).
I am curious and passionate about the fact that how we move our bodies, fuel our bodies with food and nurture ourselves has an holistic effect on our overall well-being and to this end I continuously investigate and research these topics.
I encourage clients to explore the relationship between the body (in particular the role of the fascial matrix), the important part movement plays in our lives and I endeavour to guide them into a new appreciation of their own body-awareness and understanding of the innate intelligence the body has to heal itself. The re-balancing and continued maintenance of the body with Amatsu is a fundamental key in all of this.
We offer a variety of other healthcare services at The Amatsu Clinic
Nutrition and Weight Loss
My name is Linda O Leary and I am a health & weight-loss coaching working within The Amatsu Clinic. If you are looking to lose weight or improve your health, I am here to help you. I have lost 10 stone and over come huge obstacles along the way. I will share my knowledge of nutrition and emotional eating with you and I take pride in providing exceptional support to you on your journey.
I offer different programmes depending on your desired outcome and I would be happy to chat to you to advise the best option for you. Please give me a call on 0872694954 and check out my website.
Neuro-Developmental and Sound Therapist
Ann Steamers
My name is Ann Steemers and I offer non invasive-movement and sound therapy programmes to help alleviate learning and social difficulties. www.johansenias.com
Contact: annsteemers7@gmail.com Mobile: 087 290 3487
Associated Partners
Amatsu Academy- www.daghdasynergy.ie
Samuel Welter custom orthotics- www.pedorthist.ie
Linda O’Leary – nutrition & weight loss coaching - www.healthlifebalance.ie
Ann Steamers – Neurodevelopment coach www.johansenias.com
Donal McCarthy
Geraldine McCarthy on linkedin
Fionna O’Donnell – mindfulness- www.mindfulnessworking.com